Full-Time Evangelist

Serving the Lord through Preaching Revivals, Camp-meetings, & Faith Promise Missions.

Expounding The Scriptures

Encouraging The Saints

Evangelizing The Sinner

Dedicated Evangelist Spreading God's Word

After nearly 15 years of pastoring, we've stepped out by faith In February of 2024 back into full time evangelism with a Burden to Win the Lost and Encourage both Church and Pastors. We did not choose this ministry, but it is where God has our heart for this season. 20 years ago, God gave me a beautiful bride that would stand by my side, and He has given us 2 wonderful boys that Love the Lord. It is our Desire to be a Help to Gods People, If we can be of help to you, or your local church feel free to contact us via Phone or Email. 

Phl 2:16
Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.

Get in Touch Today

Reach out to Evangelist Jonathan Shook  Contact via phone or email.